All images, logos, icons, and favicons related to, referring to, or dealing with Feted Fence And Gate LLC are the property of Feted Fence And Gate LLC. Using any of the images, logos, icons, and favicons is forbidden without explicit permission from Feted Fence And Gate LLC. All logos, badges, buttons, and favicons for other companies are used in ways that comply with their terms and conditions for use. Any images or photos provided by customers may be edited in ways including but not limited to, cropping, resizing, and altering the file type.Any photo or image that is displayed on whether provided by a customer or taken by Feted Fence And Gate LLC is used with the permission of the customer and never contains any identifying features of the customers precise location or geolocation metadata, where precise location refers to the physical address(e.g., 123 Main St.), cross streets(e.g., Main St. and 1st St.), or neighborhood name(e.g., Walnut Gardens on Main St.), and geolocation metadata refers to data contained within the photo or image that provides the precise location of where the photo or image was taken.The first name, last initial, city, and state of the customer will be stated in the caption, alt. text which is used to meet ADA compliance rules for the provision of the use of screen readers, and image metadata in the Author tag(e.g., John D., Arlington, TX); all copyright tags will list Feted Fence And Gate LLC.